Frequently Asked Questions
649 Teams   —   EB-5 Visa

What are the 649 Teams™ and how do they lead the way to unleash $trillions of new Indian value?  And how is our unique business project for the EB-5 Visa a win-win for India and the USA?  We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about these teams and our EB-5 project.  Maybe you're looking for a new direction, a professional career boost, or more money.  You'll see a unique opportunity about earning and sharing while working up to an hour a day.

Be patient, be positive, and remember that you are special.  You are NEVER alone as a member of the 649 Teams™.  These teams coordinate 20,119 tasks to build large amounts of value in 649 company clients.

Within an 89-day time frame after completing the "Team MBA" Financial Literacy Course, a 115 Lakh to 389 Lakh funding package is ready and guaranteed for team members.  This funding is effective whether the team members are startup founders or entrepreneurs or none of the above.  These teams are using a science-based organizational structure, enabling team leaders to work on their own business objectives while coordinating with other teams for 649 company clients. 

31 persons taking and completing the "Team MBA" Financial Literacy course at the same time also get 115 to 389 Lakh funding.  They take on group assignments, working together in a science-based team structure called the Org913-T-MBA® structure (the "ORG"). 

1. What is the objective of 649 Teams™?

The primary objective of 649 Teams™ is to solve financial problems for Indian Citizens (and global citizens) without the use of debt. The greatest tool ever devised to deliver economic value—the Publicly-Listed Company—is made even more powerful by two different yet integrated standards, thereby delivering a macro-financial solution to meet the primary objective.

The 1st standard—4 Sections and 22 Variables™—enables the delivery of the macro-financial solution to 649 publicly-listed companies in India. This standard has been codified into an instantly downloadable iOS/Android app.

The 2nd standard—the Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard—guarantees the optimal organization of all 649 Teams™ members into 31-member teams to coordinate 20,119 dynamic tasks and achieve various objectives for the 649 companies. This is how the primary objective of 649 Teams™ is fulfilled.

The 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard is also a digital capital operating system designed (for the first time in economic-financial history) for publicly-listed companies. This "Trade Secret" standard along with the Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard are both owned by Customer Sharing Ordering Partners LLP (an Indian company). The discovery of both standards comes from decades of rigorous testing at the university level and verifications made inside and outside India. 649 Teams™ members are the first to become thoroughly familiar with both standards.

2. What are members of 649 Teams™ being offered?

As a 649 Teams™ member, you will be among a few talented Indian Citizens to reap certain benefits during and after the assembly of the 649 teams. These benefits are:

1. Shorter higher-quality work days (about one to four hours), leaving you with more quality free time "to think";

2. Independence with your One Person Company (OPC) operating in a state-of-the-science organizational team structure; and

3. A 31-fold to 649-fold increase in your "economic safety-net" as an individual or through your OPC.

As you master the 1st standard—4 Sections and 22 Variables™—you will be absolutely astonished at the simplicity of how your value is released. The 31- to 649-fold increase in the wealth of 649 Teams™ members is caused by their team-work activity in the Org913-T-MBA® structure. Dynamic goals are achieved between members of a team and also between teams. The coordination of these multi-dimensional team-work activities is made possible by the Org913-T-MBA® ("ORG") structure.

See FAQ 3 (Where will the 649 teams work) and FAQ 15 (Why is "We" or "Team" more powerful...) for more information about team-work in the "ORG".

3. Where will the 649 teams work?

649 Teams™ members will be working from home or from any location of their choice, taking their instructions from inside the "ORG" (formally called the Org913-T-MBA®, a state-of-the-science organizational team structure ). Members are notified in the "ORG" with the "what", "how", and "when" details. With a smartphone and an internet connection, members can log into the "ORG".

Each team consists of 31 members who will be able to work as a 24/7-connected team from anywhere, for any amount, and at any time.

If you choose to have a One Person Company (OPC), you should let your OPC be formed by an Indian Chartered Accountant and an Indian Legal Firm. Both professional organizations are selected by Customer Sharing Ordering Partners LLP to work with 649 Teams™ members.

The 649 teams are designed to match exactly 649 Indian publicly-listed companies, giving the companies a competitive advantage as the first users of the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ operating system. Thanks to the work of 649 Teams™ members, this digital capital operating system will give the 649 Indian companies a powerful global advantage.

4. Who are ideal candidates to be leaders in 649 Teams™?

Ideal candidates are startup founders, entrepreneurs or people with a background in engineering, science or business management.

Team leaders must have high integrity and a high proficiency in the English language. They must also be good with people and with numbers. Indian and global companies have a keen interest in the mathematical prowess of India's engineers, e.g. the talented IIM graduates and IIT graduates.

Team-leadership positions are assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. However, from time to time, the 649 Teams™ Agreement permits voting to place team members into 31 positions to reward members who demonstrate the most leadership and teaching skills. In some cases where a member's position is reassigned through voting, the member's base pay package will be adjusted to fit the base compensation structure for all members.

While the 649 teams are being formed, talented team leaders will use every available moment to demonstrate their proactiveness by becoming thoroughly familiar with the Org913-T-MBA® Team Command Structure. What "Command Structure" means is that Team Leaders are commanding down and Team Members are reporting up. It also means that all Team Members serve at the pleasure of their Team Leaders.

5. What is a Member-Care Advisor™ or an MCA?

A Member-Care Advisor™ (MCA) is a 649 Teams™ member who is assigned special 24/7 time periods in one, two, or four hour blocks to become available for member assistance via the MCA's smartphone. Good communication skills in English are essential for MCAs.

During the MCA's assigned time period, he or she is available to answer specific sets of questions about products, services, and iOS/Android apps used by the customers of 649 companies.

All 649 Teams™ members must be prepared to serve as a Member-Care Advisor™ if they are called upon to perform MCA duties.

6. Does 649 Teams™ have a grand business strategy?

Absolutely! India's "Human Capital" is grossly undervalued by over $39 trillion, not $5 or $10 trillion as estimated. This is simply because the academies have never looked at applying the universal laws of physics to replace the [art] of economics and business with a scientific approach. This kind of approach is needed to ascertain exactly how the "Human Capital’ inherent in each Citizen is measured.

With 649 Indian publicly-listed companies running on the digital capital operating system--4 Sections and 22 Variables™--trillions of dollars in new value get unleashed into India's economy. India's $31 trillion undervalued status is eliminated within three years.

With 649 teams assembled, the Org913-T-MBA® has the application ability to coordinate up to 20,119 dynamic tasks to solve ANY problem for our 649 publicly-listed companies.

649 Teams™ is very valuable because of the Org913® ability to organize the Human Capital of 649 Teams™ members into a time-efficient supply-chain processor of 20,119 dynamic tasks. This makes Org913© the preferred organization and human-capital tool for publicly-listed companies to digitize India’s Demographic Dividend.


7. How does 649 Teams™ lead the way to unleash $trillions?

649 Teams™ lead the way by providing the Human Capital to reformat 649 Indian companies with a new digital capital operating system: the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™.
These first 649 Indian publicly-listed companies are the capitalistic vehicles tasked with unleashing trillions of dollars of value into the Indian economy. They will be connected with 649 Teams™ via the Org913-T-MBA® structure (a state-of-the-science organizational team structure).

For four decades spanning over 45 countries, Dr. Paul Douglas Katching (Professor-Eminence of Applied Sciences at the Physics Dept. of Desh Bhagat University) has researched the capital structures of publicly-listed companies at the university level of applied science. The digital capital operating system (4 Sections and 22 Variables™) for the 649 Indian companies comes from his research. The Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard also comes from his research.

The Org913-T-MBA® structure is designed from First Cause Intelligence™, based on "how". In order to solve any problem, we identify the problem in the way of "how" questions. Albert Einstein famously said (roughly) that "the solution to any problem is inherent in the question". Professor Einstein’s "question" observation and René Descartes' statement of “Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it” are two of the greatest problem-solving research tools known to mankind.

These two research tools from two great minds were used by Professor Katching, the only known researcher to have codified his equity-debt finding into the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard for the publicly-listed company. Professor Katching has calculated exactly how Equity is 10,000 times more powerful than Debt in his Katching's Equity>Debt Law. He has also calculated how the globe is undervalued by over $408 trillion.


8. What guides this unleashing of India's pent-up value?

The guiding structure that channels this unleashing of value is the Org913-T-MBA®, a science-based organizational structure where 20,119 talented 649 Teams™ members form the first Human Capital Supply Chain. This Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard provides the organizational guidance for 649 Teams™ members to deploy the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ operating system into the global marketplace, starting with India. Note that the Org913-T-MBA® structure enables each team to easily handle 961 Tasks, if need be, without sacrificing the quality of work done or over-taxing the team members.

Human Capital can now be scientifically measured--a cherished first for India--and the true worth of Humans is unveiled for the first time in business/financial history. Global deployment of the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ operating system starts with 649 Indian publicly-listed companies where new value is created by these companies and new wealth is endowed to 649 Teams™ members.

One of the 649 Indian publicly-listed companies to which 649 Teams™ applies the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard will have the capability of being the largest publicly listed company in India by Market Capitalization (MCap). Its MCap is projected to be just below the MCaps of Apple, Saudi Aramco, Microsoft, and Amazon. This MCap projection is made within 89 days after the complete assembly of all 649 teams.

How is this value unleashed?

By isolating exactly three of the 22 variables--just like how genes and their three-letter genetic codons are isolated--revealing a new [scale] capital structure. The three variables in the new capital structure become an economic-finance-accounting standard, unleashing a predictable amount of energy called MCap. These three variables will make future publicly-listed companies virtually self-driven entities, overseen by the 649 Teams™ brand.

9. What happens first when 649 teams are assembled?

A flood gate of new value is unleashed by Indian (and Global) publicly-listed companies for India’s 615,287,904 labor units (and for the 100% benefit of the globe's 3.2 billion labor units).

649 Teams™ will lead the way by applying the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ (emailed only upon request). As new value is unleashed into the Indian (and global) marketplace, team members participate in this new value while increasing their valuable hands-on financial skills.

Customer Sharing Ordering Partners LLP will finalize one of the 649 Indian publicly-listed companies to be the demonstrable standard for India, based on four budget percentages. These four percentages are four of the 22 Variables that encode the digital capital operating system of a publicly-listed company.

The use of the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard aligns any publicly-listed company to create more value. All public companies are currently undervalued because they are incorrectly formatted without this standard.

The 649 Teams only need to input three of the 22 Variables into an Excel "budget-structure" template to see if their assigned Indian public companies are in alignment with the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard. This information is easy to learn; it will be uploaded (for all 649 companies) into Customer Sharing Ordering Partners LLP's 649-4-22 Index.

This 649-4-22 Index is a new standard. 100% of India’s publicly-listed companies and 100% of global publicly-listed companies will want their four variables (this is publicly-available data) to be presented and updated correctly. Once compiled and updated daily, our 649-4-22 Index will become publicly available.

10. Why 649? Why were 649 publicly-listed companies in India chosen? And what's the criteria for choosing them?

When the Market Value or Market Capitalization (MCap) of exactly 649 publicly-listed companies all domiciled in a single country are summed and matched with exactly 13,983,816 guaranteed cash-paying customers, the 649 companies can expect an average of a 200% to 354% increase in their MCap in a predictable period of time.

This criteria is the primary reason for the number 649, discovered during the research and incubation period.

The 649 companies are chosen based on four criteria:

(i) the 649 companies must be Indian Companies;

(ii) Customer Sharing Ordering Partners LLP must have equity ownership in the 649 companies;

(iii) the 649 companies must each have a (listed or unlisted) Market Capitalization (MCap); and

(iv) all the 649 companies must have the potential for joint venturing with other companies.

For immediate growth, the 649 Indian companies are 100% Joint Venture prospects with 649 USA Companies from any sector or industry and 649 Joint Venture prospects with companies in Ghana (the gateway to the African continent). Dr. Paul Douglas Katching selected the 649 companies from across all sectors of India's economy, based on his applied science research. For competitive reasons in the global market, his research will be published in four papers only after the 649 Teams™ are assembled.

11. Will members have USA EB-5 Visa opportunities?


Furthermore, members will be able to travel even if they don't use the EB-5 Visa opportunity. The OPC is recommended for the 649 Teams™ membership so they are able to:

a) have Indian and USA Bank accounts [at the same banks]; and
b) travel at will to the USA and to the African continent for 649 joint venture reasons, personal reasons, and for your OPC reasons.

In the Org913-T-MBA®, all 649 Teams™ members are informed on when 649 travel needs are required.

Here's more about the EB-5 Visa.

There are too many misconceptions about how Indian Citizens can obtain the USA EB-5 Visa. Perhaps the biggest misconception is in confusing the H1B Visa with the coveted EB-5 Visa which is based primarily on your net worth.

Let's take a lesson from the Chinese. They have been qualifying for the most EB-5 Visas by using a mix of properties, gold, liquidated shares, and loans from family, friends, and banks. They also get their personal companies to open USA bank accounts and show evidence that satisfies EB-5 net-worth requirements.

Having your own One Person Company (OPC) is very useful to help you make your EB-5 case.

12. Who owns the rights to 649 Teams™, 4 Sections and 22 Variables™, and Org913-T-MBA®?

Customer Sharing Ordering Partners LLP is effectively the technology transfer arm of Desh Bhagat University (DBU) where much of the 649 Teams™ business model was incubated.

DBU is expressly sharing its economic, finance and business IP with 44 UGC educational institutions across India's 44 states and union territories. Ultimately the sharing will extend across 235 institutions across the globe.

DBU Professor-Eminence Paul Douglas Katching selected the 649 companies from across all sectors of India's economy, based on his applied science research. For competitive reasons in the global market, the Professor's research will be published in four papers only after the 649 Teams™ are assembled. The Professor developed and owns the rights to 649 Teams™, Org913-T-MBA®, and 4 Sections and 22 Variables™.

13. Why were India, the USA, and Ghana chosen as the first locations for 649 Teams™?

Both India (with 44 States and UTs) and Ghana (representing the 58 Countries on the African Continent) are GROSSLY UNDERVALUED when compared with the value produced by the USA’s 20,000 publicly-listed companies. The USA public companies are worth over $30 trillion.

Notice that the USA working age population is 195,773,424 and that the average market value for the USA’s 20,000 publicly-listed companies is $1.5 billion. Notice that there are on average 9,788 USA labor units contributing to the 20,556 publicly-listed companies’ $30 trillion market value.

NOTE: these [super-big-data] analyses have never been undertaken by the Indian or global academies, by any country's central bank, by the World Bank, or by the International Monetary Fund prior to Professor Katching’s original work.

At this moment the total market value of Indian 4,064 publicly listed companies is under $2 trillion with a working age population of 615,287,904 million Citizens. Ghana and Africa with a work age population of the exact same 615,287,904 as India has just 1,221 publicly listed companies. 32 of the 58 countries on the African Continent has absolutely ZERO publicly companies! Ghana just has under 40.

The USA requires ZERO new publicly listed companies. India requires 77,363 new and correctly formatted publicly-listed companies with the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™. The African Continent requires 81,830 correctly formatted publicly listed companies. 100% of the 649 Teams being assembled online [TEAM] skills-sets inside of the Org913 are immediately, organizationally, and managerially required.

FAQ about what to do

14. How do I start?

Sign-up, get a bank account, open a Demat account in your own name, and notify us when when done. If you reside outside India, then open a Fidelity account instead of a Demat.

There are two kinds of sign-ups:
1. a Team Leader in one of the 649 Teams™ at no sign-up cost;
2. an EB-5 Visa candidate with a one-time Rs. 800 subscription fee.

To sign up for the EB-5 Visa, you need to select EB-5 Visa from the menu and then follow instructions on that EB-5 Visa. There is a Rs. 800 one-time subscription fee involved.

To sign up for 649 Teams™, look for a light blue "Sign up for your "ORG" account" button at the bottom left-corner (beneath our logo) of any web-page. Click on this button.

15. Why is "We" or "Team" more powerful than 'I'?

Please read these FAQ notes several times carefully because 649 Teams™ will operate in a completely unique way, as never before, to achieve dynamic goals.

Start getting used to replacing the pronoun 'I' with "We" or with "Team." Here's why:

649 Teams™ provides the guaranteed contract labor-force for a new kind of publicly-listed company that uses a new digital capital operating system called 4 Sections and 22 Variables™. This new standard must be mastered by all 649 Teams™ members. All members are organized into 31-member teams by another new standard called the Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard.

At www.org913.com behind the protection of a firewall, 649 Teams™ uses this new genetics science-based organizational standard for Human Capital. This organizational standard is called Org913-T-MBA® (or the "ORG"). Successful teamwork is guaranteed because the Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard provides the context for dynamic goals where each goal is divided into time-efficient tasks.

We now know that any goal or task consists of exactly 31 dynamic parts. First we define the goal and then we use Rene Descartes' discovery of breaking down problems into many parts. With our science-based Org913-T-MBA® standard, we assign 31 tasks as the logical and proven steps to complete dynamic goals within specified time-frames.

For the first time in business history, 649 Teams™ applies an academically-rigorous and science-based organizational discovery--the Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard--to guarantee success. All 649 Teams™ members must give preference to "We" and "Team" over "I" because so much more is accomplished as a team than as an individual.

16. When do I get my first pay deposit?

In exactly 89 days after all 649 teams are assembled, your first pay deposit goes into your Demat account. Your contract pay is automatically deposited monthly into your Demat account. See FAQ 9.

To speed up the assembly process, you are strongly encouraged to recommend English-Speaking Talent to sign up. New persons have the option to specify the positions they want in this sign-up process. Otherwise they are automatically assigned into positions in the Org913-T-MBA® structure.

After this first-come-first-serve process, however, it is possible for you to switch positions in a team or to change teams altogether. If your new position is different from your old position, such team reassignments might change your base pay package. All the details are tracked in the Org913-T-MBA® structure.

At the 649 Teams™ page is listed five different pay amounts for five kinds of positions in the team structure. Team Leaders occupy the Level 1 positions.

17. Are there opportunities to increase my pay package?

Yes, there are such opportunities when 100% of the 649 teams are assembled and each 649 Teams™ member has downloaded a PDF file documenting the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard. This information is provided to each member for download at the same time, only after all teams are assembled.

Automatic increases to your base contract-pay package will take effect depending on your team's proactive search for new opportunities. Such proactiveness is enabled by essential actions to be taken by each team member.

You must have a Demat Account, an Org913 account, and a One Person Company (the OPC is optional).

With the downloadable single-page reference for the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard, your Demat account, and your OPC, you are ready for 649 Teams™ permanent membership. These are your tools for this life-long opportunity.

All 649 teams are made available to 649 Indian PLCs at any time. Furthermore, one of these companies is connected to all 649 Teams™ members, providing each member with various "how to" and "hands-on" financial skills. Therefore you can expect your pay package to increase by your assignment to this particular company (one of the 649 PLCs).

Please keep in mind that 649 teams of highly qualified talent is a very powerful and focused force to take positive advantage of new opportunities when they arise. Members are first to know.

18. Why should I register to become a One Person Company?

Becoming a One Person Company (an OPC) is optional. Nevertheless, this question is a very important question.

The benefits of being an OPC instead of an employee of a company are tremendous. Please read FAQ 17 several times to increase your financial literacy regarding your OPC and your OPC's client, i.e. one of the 649 companies assigned to your OPC and your team.

The primary reason for each 649 Teams™ member to operate as an OPC is that the dynamic increases in a member's financial value is best managed through an OPC belonging to the member. The OPC's minimal requirements and lower compliance burden make it the smart business choice for your wealth management.

The source of dynamic increases in your financial value is the positive earnings from new opportunities arising from 4,000+ publicly-listed companies (PLCs) in India and 70,000+ global PLCs who have adopted the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard. 649 Teams™ members are the first "go to" and "know how" experts on this new business standard.

When addressing your clients among the 649 companies, please never refer to them by their first names (no matter their presumed ages) unless they give you express permission to do so. Always use Mr., Dr., Professor, Madame, or Ma'am for professional respect. The preferred titles of clients can be found most of the time on their business cards or websites.

Remember that with Linkedin, you are being hosted free of charge in the cloud. So you want to be careful with your posts that may appear to be negative and infringe (even without your intention to do so) on other's sensibilities. Website hosting for your One Person Company is not necessary. keep your personal details up-to-date on LinkedIn.

19. How do I prepare for the USA EB-5 Visa?

FIrst of all, click on EB-5 Visa in the menu bar and read everything on that page. Then prepare yourself to do the following:

1) Follow the instructions at the EB-5 Visa page so that you are taken to network.org913.com where you must select the EB-5 choice and sign up;

2) Open a Demat account in your name and deposit Rs. 24.9 Lakh into your account; and

3) Notify us when you have opened a Demat account in your name.

There are too many misconceptions about how Indian Citizens can obtain the USA EB-5 Visa. Perhaps the biggest misconception is in confusing the H1B Visa with the coveted EB-5 Visa which is based primarily on your net worth.

Let's take a lesson from the Chinese. They have been qualifying for the most EB-5 Visas by using a mix of properties, gold, liquidated shares, and loans from family, friends, and banks. They also get their personal companies to open USA bank accounts and show evidence that satisfies EB-5 net-worth requirements.

Having your own One Person Company (OPC) is very useful to help you make your EB-5 case.

The Org913-T-MBA® is a very powerful and original tool permitting any combination of skills teams of talent to be deployed!

20. What's my total cost to become a 649 Teams™ member?

Your cost is estimated as follows:

a) open your Demat account for which a minimum account balance must be maintained. You'll need to find out the exact cost to open your Demat account and prepare yourself to get that done as soon as possible.

b) You must also have a Bank Account.

c) setup your own OPC (optional) using two professional firms designated by Customer Sharing Ordering Partners LLP. The names of an Independent Chartered Accountant Firm and an Independent Legal Firm will be given to you through your Org913-T-MBA® account. Your estimated cost for these two firms to setup your OPC is Rs. 8,500.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the OPC setup is optional.

For operational reasons we will designate an independent company to coordinate the OPC registrations for interested 649 Teams™ members. You get notified about which company will handle the CA/legal work for your OPC registration;

Please remember that you also get your own "ORG" online account to help you get started. Upon logging into your "ORG" account, you can interact with 30 other members of your team, receive your task assignments, and observe their task assignments.

After you are strategically setup with all your tools as a 649 Teams™ member, there are monthly costs to be deducted from your base contract-pay package such as the annual legal and accounting maintenance costs for your OPC.

21. Do I have to invest in any of the 649 companies?

Yes and No. No, because whatever investment decision you make is your own individual decision. Yes, because some of the 649 publicly-listed companies might require that you become a current shareholder in order for your team (i.e. one of the 649 Teams) to get their contract.

There is a business/finance book that has impressed me for decades now! It is very hard to find this book in India. It is a 1979 book from Harvard Professor Fruhan, William E. Jr., entitled:

Financial Strategy: Studies in the Creation, Transfer and Destruction of Shareholder Value.

Though this book is precious, it does not have one of our unique financial strategies with 649 Teams™ in India.

Team members must have their own Demat Account as one of their three financial tools. We DO NOT encourage share trading (which is different from share ownership) for reasons to be made clear to all 649 Teams™ members in due time.

As the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard for publicly-listed companies becomes known, members will be compensated by 649 Indian and Global publicly-listed companies. From time to time, they will be compensated beyond their base contract pay for their work in this emerging "gig economy" from 649 Teams™ business interactions with 649 publicly-listed companies in India.

Since they are all publicly-listed companies, their compensations to 649 Teams™ members can be in the form of cash or performance shares (with annual cash dividends deposited into member Demat accounts).

22. What training do I need before I become an MCA?

The basic training for a Member-Care Advisor™ (MCA) starts with the 4 Sections and 22 Variables™ standard. To our 649 client companies, it is a digital capital operating system. This system or standard must be mastered along with the Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital standard.

Every 649 Teams™ member must go through MCA basic training and become familiar with an iOS/Android app to be released within 89 days after all 649 teams are assembled.

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