649 Teams™

We are seeking highly motivated managerial talent to work in 649 Customer Service Teams to fulfill education contracts in an international business ecosystem!
₹115-389 Lakh 
Startup Funding Package

STARTUP with a TEAM ID Organic Food Security


In just an hour, Smart Proactive Talent do more as a Focused Team than as solo workers or an individual.

For 10 to 60 minutes a day, you'll be using high-quality tools and cutting-edge information with your team to support our business customers and members.  You'll become an instant one-of-a-kind data expert.

Growth opportunities in our business ecosystem

 649 companies in our international business ecosystem require various support services for themselves and for their customers.  These services will be delivered by  Member-Care Advisors™ (MCA)—another name for Customer Service Team members.  The MCAs are organized into Focused Teams to bring more value into our ecosystem.

 Level 1 Positions – oversee team service operations for business/customer clients.
$25,462 per year

Level 2 Positions – assign dynamic tasks to fulfill business/customer services.
$19,096 per year

Level 3 Positions – execute various tasks to fulfill business service contracts.
$15,914 per year

Level 4/5 Positions – MCAs execute customer support tasks in the ecosystem.
$8,752 / $7,559 per year

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