Org913-T-MBA® Financial Literacy NOTES

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A new wealth creation drive is coming from the financial economics application of a 100% predictive [trade secret] Quantum Computing Algorithm (QCA) which belongs to CSOP Network Services Limited (an India public company).   

The purpose of this breakthrough application in financial economics is to reformat public company capital structures per a new science-based business standard called


This reformatting process opens the flood-gates for the flow of new wealth built up for the customer. 

Org913-T-MBA® is a proprietary team structure from Scientific Organization Management(or "SOMe") which comes from 40+ years of polymathic research by Professor Paul Katching.

What now becomes vital is the general public's awareness of this special science-based brand of financial literacy called:





Online, Free, 89 days, 10 minutes to 1 hour/day


Online, Free, 89 days, 10 minutes to 1 hour/day

This science-based financial literacy prepares one million project managers and problem solvers in the USA/Ghana (the Managers) and millions of US-based aspiring homeowners (the Renters) to handle their new wealth with wisdom and understanding. 

It's an important first step leading into an international business ecosystem where the citizens of India, the USA, and Ghana strengthen their "ORG" Financial Literacy.

Project Managers & Problem Solvers applying a science-based business standard to implement their answers for success in the real world.

Developing your "ORG" (Org913-T-MBA®) Financial Literacy is an immediate priority for getting organized for your success.  You may apply this science-based know-how

In any case, you are prepared for participation in a QCA-powered financial economics breakthrough starting in India and coming to the USA and Ghana.  The QCA (from CSOP Network Services Ltd.) is an integral part of our wealth creation strategy, delivering a "Double-Punch" inflation knockout for you with a $45K to $100K/year gig and more.

SOMe (Scientific Organization Management) principles for affordable homeownership opportunity in the USA

Developing your "ORG" (Org913-T-MBA®) Financial Literacy is an immediate priority for getting organized for success in business.  This is also a priority for your path to homeownership.  Whether you are interested in business or not, your understanding of (i) where the wealth creation is coming from, and (ii) how your wealth is generated, are both crucial. With this understanding, the Renter sees why an affordable homeownership opportunity using a single month's rent as a home-purchase downpayment is sustainable. 

The "One Click" LoTeLEO® Mortgage License for US-based renters is based on over 40 years of science-based research.  If this is your first time coming here, click on the button below to download (and print) a single-page PDF file. It lays out a path from renting to owning, plus job opportunities.  It's an inflation "Double-Punch" knockout for you!

The #1 and #2 Problems in Financial Economics (Equity Premium Puzzle & Dividend Puzzle) are now solved after 40+ years of research!

"SOMe" (Scientific Organization Management) and the research of Dr. Paul Katching (Chairman-CEO of CSOP Network Services Limited) have produced the Org913-T-MBA® standard for Financial Literacy.  With SOMe training, our members get in tune with a new drive of  wealth creation coming from the company's QCA application in Financial Economics.  This new drive is called WEALTH CREATION DYNAMICS.

The income for 1 million Project Managers and Problem Solvers (in the USA and Ghana) and the affordable homeownership opportunity for Renters (under 14 million of US-based aspiring homeowners) are both guaranteed by Dr. Katching's solution to a difficult problem in financial economics called the Equity Premium Puzzle.  Beyond the wealth creation for Project Managers, Problem Solvers, and Renters is the unprecedented Wealth Creation Dynamics proposed for the Customer.

The "ORG" Financial Literacy NOTES page and the "ORG" Financial Literacy Course pages are password-protected.  They contain some SOMe training/operational details for Project Managers & Problem Solvers in the USA/Ghana and US-based Renters.  Both the NOTES and the Course pages are for your "SOMe" Practical Training.   

If this is your first time coming here and you have already signed up for SOMe training (for project managers and problem solvers in USA/Ghana) and have received your "ORG" login credentials, then click here for your "ORG" account login (a new window opens up) and check the NOTES column (8).  That’s where you get the latest password for access to the latest updates in the "ORG" Financial Literacy NOTES page.  This password begins with a three-digit number.

For security purposes, the password to get the latest updates is changed periodically to ensure that only our members have access to this information.  Change your own "ORG" account password from time to time.  These changes are just a minor inconvenience for member protection.

To get the latest on Org913-T-MBA® Financial Literacy, click on the Login button.

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