A Special Invitation for you to earn $400,000 of Funding after your completion of a free 89-day financial literacy course about the science-based creation of new wealth in new pubicly-listed companies.
This opportunity is 100% legitimate and only made available to 31 women residing in the USA.
Besides boosting your science-based financial literacy, this is also a wonderful opportunity to plan the way forward for 1 Million Americans to also become beneficiaries of this funding initiative.
It's a New Season and a New Day for Women, starting with Trust, Integrity, and Mindful Business. Let's ensure that many Women participate in a similar funding initiative for Americans.
This "startup funding" initiative was first designed for any person in India. Then we realized that the scale of wealth creation is so large and broad that special efforts must be made to ensure that a significant number of Indian Women are among the 1 Million Indian Citizens (click on your browser's GO-BACK button to return here).
In your special case, you are an Observer who watches how these Indian Citizens are getting organized. Your objective is a Specialized One which does not require you to join the discussion group on Linkedin for the Indian Startups.
As you take the financial literacy course with your team members, spend some quality time sharing ideas on how this startup-funding initiative for Indians can be replicated for 1 Million US Citizens. Women must be significantly represented among these 1 Million US Citizens.
You should sign up here and expect to receive your "ORG" On-line Account.
You do not have to be a startup to benefit from a financial economics breakthrough powered by the only predictive
Quantum Computing Algorithm (QCA). This QCA-powered application brings 100% of your Future Value to the Present. "Financial Literacy" is now more important than ever for the general public.
The hands-on training from our 89-day course builds up your financial literacy in a science-based standard we call Org913-T-MBA® (the "ORG"). Over 40 years of polymathic research has produced this standard and our proprietary QCA.
So how does the State-of-the-Science now meet the financial realities for Women in the USA?
How can you contribute ideas or planning suggestions to replicate in the US what is about to launch in India?
Begin with an open mind and the desire to learn new things in a team. Through your example of success, "ORG" Financial Literacy will become well known and used by the general public.
Financial Literacy
Your learning is a dynamic blend of hands-on training in a science-based team environment.
Scientific Organization Management ("SOM") starts with "Organization" where 31 members operate in a science-based genetic structure, i.e. the
Org913-T-MBA® Platform (the "ORG").