Food Security

A vital part of your Food Security is your

Human Capital

$140,000 to $475,000 to fund your business.

 Your Human Capital comes from a uniquely coordinated timing and account funding action through a special organizational structure. 

We call this structure our

"State-of-the-Science" Team

Structure (or the "ORG").  It is a perfect fit for farming operations or for any business operation whose success relies on strong team collaboration. 

Are you concerned about the state of affairs in the world and where you live?

We invite you to join other concerned persons in a team of 31 and to study our ground-breaking value proposition. 

The 89-day window starts with a predetermined number of serious participants who have completed a financial literacy course and opened Demat or Fidelity Accounts in their names.

Our value proposition comes from a profound economic breakthrough that emerged from the polymathic research of DBU Professor Paul Katching.

The launching of this unique breakthrough has started in India where the financial infrastructure is carefully designed for the financial inclusion of all Indian Citizens.
Sign-up: Ghana-USA Project Management $45K/yr to $100K/yr

Let's get organized for our

Organic Food Security

It starts with your Human Capital, the Seeds planted, the Spawn used, and the Soil Quality.

Your use of funds is optimized by

Two Valuable Structures

for your business operations

Let's say you run a farm.  Then you must have the best financial knowledge and planning tools to manage your people. 

Whatever your business is about, you need a team of the right people using the Org913-T-MBA® Organizational Structure

The Solar Cycle Budget Structure is the 2nd of two valuable structures.  SCB combines with the Org913-T-MBA® to endow your operations with a science-based financial management system.

Org913-T-MBA® Financial Literacy

1)  Is our food security robust? 

2)  Are our food supply chains stable? 

3)  Do these chains supply us with healthy, nutritious food? 

These three questions apply to you whether are a farmer, an engineer, an artist, or a customer service specialist.  Food security and supply chains affect us all.  By working in teams rather than as individuals, we tackle such questions and implement their solutions more effectively. 

This is why your Org913-T-MBA® ("ORG") Account is critical.  Every member gets one.  It carries information about your financial value and your team's logistics for transparent collaboration.  Each member knows what the team's objective is, how to achieve it, and when to complete various tasks leading to that objective. 

You are never alone in our "ORG" structure.

Your business operation's value will get a boost from Professor Katching's 40+ years of polymathic research. Some of your benefits begin right away. As a member, you'll see where we are going and work out how your business or farming operation moves forward in an 89-day time-frame.

You will learn about financial value and a financial concept called "Equity."  Our learning system gives you a "hands on" experience where you work with members of your team and follow transparent time-lines.  Each team member develops his or her Org913-T-MBA® Financial Literacy by taking an 89-day course.

One of the things you'll learn from the Professor's research that Equity is at least 10,000 times more powerful than Debt. 

You may know a lot about Seeds, Spawn or Soil Quality and yet be uncomfortable with numbers.  Do not let the numbers scare you. 

It's now time to move ahead from "barely making ends meet" to financial prosperity.  You'll spend one hour a day in our training program in preparation for your move to prosperity. 

Your participation in our proposition opens a new world of unique financial value to you. This value comes from 40+ years of original and polymathic research of DBU Professor Paul Katching.  "Every Human Being has Human Capital" by the Professor is a must-read (scroll down for this information).

  • Equity is at least 10,000 times more powerful than Debt.

    The ratios of Equity Returns to Debt Returns across different yield rates:

    Our projected value proposition for your funding is backed by a cutting-edge Equity research paper by Professor Katching who has solved the biggest and most significant 100 year-old problem in financial economics.

    Robust supply chains thrive with the stable purchasing power of 13,981 restaurant locations in three countries and their customers.

    The Org913-T-MBA® Human Capital Standard is vital for restaurant management/service teams.  It's also needed for persons running various supply chains and strengthening our food security.  Restaurant locations13,981 in India, 13,981 in the USA, and 13,981 in Ghanawill need all these teams of professionals and farmers.  Applying an equity-based financial breakthrough builds wealth and prosperity for all concerned.  For more details, see "Every Human Being has Human Capital" below.

    Every Human Being has Human Capital

    You only need your Human Capital to get all the funding you and an exact number of others are looking for.  Angel funding or VC is not necessary.

    The path to your $140,000 to $475,000 value starts today at the moment you sign up.  The 89-day period to obtain your funding starts exactly at a predetermined number of serious participants who have completed the Org913-T-MBA® Financial Literacy course.

    The peer-to-peer team of Concerned Individuals you join today uses the Org913-T-MBA® structure.  After joining the team, our hands-on training program prepares you to lead your own team whose Org913-T-MBA® structure we guarantee is a perfect fit for your farming or business operations.  There is a Solar Cycle Budget which comes from a DBU Professor’s research in science and Organization-Management.  This scientific budget is used by new and current India Publicly-Listed Companies (PLCs) linked into our business ecosystem. 

    Sign up for Project Management Gig

    After signing up,  your "ORG" online account gives you secure access to our valuable intellectual property.  We trust you to keep confidential the how-to details of our value proposition for you.  Such details are dynamic, requiring regular information updates to our membership.  This is why members stay in touch with each other through the Org913-T-MBA® structure and a members-only notice board for these updates.

    In addition, a free hard-copy of the Equity Research paper is mailed to you.  Its title is:


    India is undervalued by over $39 Trillion and the World by over $400 Trillion


    Dr. Paul Douglas Katching

    Soon after the financial value in your Fidelity Account (or Demat Account) surpasses the projected values, another financial paper by the same DBU professor is released.  This one is:


    The Cosmological and Quantum Physics Basis for using Equity

    to drive Debt, Unemployment, and Inflation out of existence! 


    Dr. Paul Douglas Katching

    Professor-Eminence of Applied Sciences

    Physics Dept. at Desh Bhagat University

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